The Ultimate Guide To Magnus

Ever since Isaac Asimov wrote his Robot series of books the dream of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics has been with us. We now live in a world where that dream is becoming and is a reality. Taking advantage of current technology and the growth in the blockchain, The Magnus Collective is now set to take the next leap in A.I. and robotics. Magnus invites you to get involved with its ICO token sale. 

What is Magnus? 

Magnus specializes in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and has an aim to bring new meaning and vision to what we expect from A.I. and Robotics. Their vision is to create a global market in knowledge and skills through a decentralized network. This network will consist of humans working with Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Sensors and hardware. They claim to have created the World's first Dual Token Robotics and A.I. ICO. These two tokens are Ethereum and NEO. 

Why should this interest me? 

With the massive growth in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Magnus is given you a chance to get involved in this huge industry. They are already recognized within the industry by major companies such as Walt Disney and LG. Through their ICO Token sale, you have the opportunity to be part of the Collective and help fund this growth in A.I. and Robotics. It has been said by futurists that A.I. will reach the level of human intelligence by 2029. 

Magnus is at the forefront of the drive to reach that goal. The growth in A.I. and the collaboration with blockchain technologies, cloud services, and a widely distributed robotic platform aims to make the robotic collective profitable and secure. It will also allow for an autonomous and reliable network. 
Blockchain technology allows for the decentralized nature of Magnus. The ultimate aim for Magnus is to make people smarter, working with machines and A.I. in a better way. It also aims to make the whole process of implementing A.I. and robotics into everyday life cheaper. 

It has to be remembered that A.I. currently drives many industries such as Google and Microsoft. It is used in manufacturing industries and medical sciences.
This is an amazing opportunity to be involved.
So tell me more about the ICO Token Sale.
Magnus has set their Hard Cap at 30000 ETH with the current sale resting at 2181. Once they reach 3000 a 40% bonus will be released. 

With Magnus being the first offering dual blockchain tokens it opens up greater choice and opportunities. Based on Ethereum and NEO they are ERC-20 and NEP-5. Up to now, a total of 61,137,915 MGS have been distributed and there are 1687 contributors. Any remaining tokens, after the ICO sale, will be burnt potentially increasing the value of any tokens bought. No new tokens will be minted. 

What are the prices and rates? 

In their ICO token sale, Magnus accepts three currencies, ETH, NEO, and GAS. Those wishing to use the NEP-5 (NEO), 1 NEO will equal 679 MGSN. The base rate for 1 MGSN will equal $0.078. If you wish to use GAS then 1 GAS will equal 217 MGSN. The base rate is the same as NEO at $0.078. 

I wanted to trade with Ethereum then 1 ETH will get you 620 MGS. The base rate here will 1 MGS equalling $0.66. 


This is an amazing opportunity to be at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Sign up now at to register your desire to be added to the whitelist.


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